Welcome to the Wrestle-Net carry our banner page. If you wish to carry one of our banners, just copy and paste the html given below and follow the simple instructions
Copy this:
<*center><*a href="http://www.wrestle-net.freeservers.com*><*img src="rn.gif"*><*/center*><*/a>
It should look like this:
Remember to take out the *
Or choose:
<*center*><*a href="http://www.wrestle-net.freeservers.com"*><*img src="wrestle-netbanner1.gif"*><*/center*><*/a>
Remember to take out the *
It should look like this:
I would like to thank Major Southpark and Sports for making me the above banner.
Or choose:
<*center*><*a href="http://www.wrestle-net.freeservers.com"*><*img src="wrestle-netbanner3.gif"*><*/center*><*/a>
Remember to take out the *
It should look like this:
You are visitor number